Soal Bahasa inggris dan kunci jawabannya

Bahasa inggris

A. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D

1. Teacher : Attention, please. Are you ready to learn English now?
Students     : Yes, Sir.
The underline word above means…
A. Perhelatan                  C. Perhatikan
B. Pelajarilah                   D. Pastikanlah
For numbers 2 & 3
Rasya         : Do you understand the homework?
Listi            : No, I don’t. How about you? Do you
understand the homework?
                      hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?
it bad or good?
write it seriously.
B. What do you think   D. Who do you think
B. Exactly right.           D. I think so.
B. Good                        D. Bad
1         2         3         4       5
B. I will not.                     D. Will I?
dress. What do you think?
my dress are red.
B. Ugly                            D. Worse
B. Colour                  D. Mode
Amid   : Thanks. I will give it back soon.

Rasya          :Yes, I do.

2.Does Rasya understand the homework?
A. Yes, she do.                  C. No, she don’t.
B. Yes, she does.              D. No, she doesn’t.

3. Does Listi understand the homework?
A. Yes, she do.                  C. No, she don’t.
B Yes, she does.               D. No, she doesn’t.
For numbers 4 – 6
Reza           : What do you think about my new
Riza            : I think you are beautiful with it.
Reza           : And you are so beautiful too, Riza.
Riza            : Thanks my twin.

4. “What do you think about my new hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?”
The underline expression is the expression of …
A. Asking opinion                  C. Showing appreciation
B. Giving opinion                   D. Giving invitation

5. “I think you are beautiful with it.”
The italic expression is the expression of…
A. Asking opinion                   C. Showing appreciation
B. Giving opinion                     D. Giving invitation

6. “Thanks my twin”
The bold word above means…
A. Kembaran                     C. Teman sekelas
B. Sahabat                           D. Saudara

For numbers 7-8
X       : (7)….. of my short story?
Y       : I think it is awesome. How about mine? Is
X       : I think it is an excellent short story.
Y       : (8)…. . I think it is bad because I don’t
7. A. What do you thing C. How do you thing
8. A. Yes, I agree.             C. I don’t think so.

9. X : What a beautiful
Y    : Thanks.
X    : Can I borrow it?
Y    :  Here it is.
The underline word is opposite with..
A. Nice                         C. Awesome

10. Masha : Can you cook a meal to me?
Bear     : Yes, I can. Can you help me?
Masha  : No, I can’t.
Bear     : Never mind, I will cook a meal by
Does Masha help the Bear to cook?
A. Yes, she do.            C. No, she don’t.
B. Yes, she does.        D. No, she doesn’t.
11. Digo : Can you (11)… to my birthday party?
Sisi      : Yes, I can. I will be there for you.
A. Abstain            C. Ignore
B. Come                 D. Help

12. you – speak – can – English – ?
The best arrangement is…
A. 3-1-2-4-5           C. 3-4-2-1-5
B. 3-2-1-4-5            D. 1-3-2-4-5

13. Elsa : Will you help me to build a snowman?
Olaf     : Yes, of course. (13) ….
A. I won’t.                         C. I will.

For numbers 14-16
Sofie : How beautiful you are. Where are you
Lisa   : To my classmate’s birthday. Look at my
Sofie : That’s a nice dress. You look (14)… in
Lisa : Thanks. It’s my favorite (15) … . Most of
14.  A. Bad                             C. Good
15. A. Style                     C. Fashion
16. “To my classmate’s birthday.” The bold word means…
A. Sahabat sejati           C. Teman bermain
B. Saudara                       D. Teman sekelas

17. Teacher : Who can answer the question?
Students: What is your question, sir?
Teacher    : (17)… I will read it once more.
Students   : Yes, sir.
A. Write your name!           C.  Look at me!
B. Open your book!              D. Listen carefully!

Teacher : Silent, please! (18)…
Students   : Yes, Mam.
A. Don’t be noise!           C. Don’t be silent!
B. Don’t be naughty!       D. Don’t be calm!

Amid : Can I borrow your dictionary?
Sari      : (19) …
A. Sure                       C. I will use it.
B. No, you can’t.     D. I’m sorry.

To : Alika
Please come to my sister’s wedding anniversary!
21st October at 10 o’clock. KFC Pringsewu.
Regrets only to 08080808.
From : Vika
Who celebrate the wedding anniversary?
A. Vika                       C. Vika’s sister
B. Alika                       D. Alika’s sister

B.Fill in the blank
Choose the appropriate expression based on the conditions.

When you want to get someone’s attention, you will say…
When you want to check someone’s understanding, you will say…
When you give your opinion, you will say…
When you ask someone’s opinion, you will say…
When you show your appreciation of something, you will say…
When you ask permission to someone, you will say…
When you ask someone whether she can do something or not, you will say…
Attention, please!
Will you read my novel?
I think it’s awesome.
Can I use your book?
Can you play basketball?
What is it?
What do you think about my bag?
What a beautiful shoes.
Will you go to Library?
Do you understand?

C.Look at the invitation card below and answer the questions!

For all VIII grade students, you are invited to do hiking.
Please come on Friday, 10th October 2014 at 7 a.m. | 14 Cut Nyak Dien Street.
Please RSVP by 9th October to the OSIS chairman, Sinta.
a. Who are invited to the hiking? ____________
b. When will the hiking begin? ______________
c. Where will the hiking begin? ______________
Key answers:

Kunci jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris


  1. C. Perhatikan
  2. B. Yes, she does.
  3. D. No, she doesn’t
  4. A. Asking opinion
  5. B. Giving opinion
  6. A. Kembaran
  7. A. What do you thing
  8. C. I don’t think so.
  9. D. Bad
  10. D. No, she doesn’t.
  11. B. Come
  12. A. 3-1-2-4-5
  13. C. I will.
  14. C. Good
  15. B. Colour
  16. D. Teman sekelas
  17. D. Listen carefully!
  18. A. Don’t be noise!
  19. A. Sure.
  20. C. Vika’s sister


a. Attention, please!
b. Do you understand?
c. I think it’s awesome.
d. What do you think about my bag?
e. What a beautiful shoes.
f. Can I use your book?
g. Can you play basketball?


a. All VIII grade students.
b. On Friday, 10th October 2014 at 7 a.m.
c. 14 Cut Nyak Dien Street.

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